Use the Language to Do Things You Enjoy
Instead of thinking about far-away goals, use the language to do things that you enjoy right now! For example, if you like learning about other cultures, watch TV shows or read in the language. If you enjoy cooking or sports, watch YouTube videos about food or soccer.
Have a Conversation Every Day
To get the best results, you need to study grammar and vocabulary, but you also need to practice speaking and listening. Try to have a conversation in the language every day, even for a few minutes. Spend time discussing your favorite topics, like your favorite hobbies or places to visit. Don't worry about mistakes; just try to have fun!
Over time, conversation will become easier. As you see how much you've improved, you'll want to speak even more!
Set Easy Daily Goals
Lastly, set daily learning goals. Big goals, like "become fluent in English," aren't very motivating. Instead, make small goals for yourself, like "listen to an audiobook in English for 30 minutes every day." By dividing your bigger goals into daily tasks, learning becomes easier – and more fun!
